The Purpose of this Blog: A Personal Account of Reformation

This Blog is all about great things that happen in life. Over the years, for many reasons, I've become a person I am disappointed with. Mostly because my extreme defensiveness in certain circumstances. While for a long time I felt valid I realized this needed to change. My negativity was effecting others. While I tried many things - nothing seemed to stick. As a result, fear is what drove my life - and I'm sorry to say, what held me back from many great possibilities.

John Gottman, an amazing marriage and family therapist studied relationships in great detail and referred to my great ability as one of "the four horsemen of the Apocalypse" because it is one of four things that cause destruction and havoc to a marital relationship - and I might add, to any relationship. One day I realized that if I want people to be more understanding, I should do the same. So, the purpose of this blog is to be held accountable in my working toward becoming the person I want to be.